More and more of us care about where our food comes from and how it’s produced. 

But fewer and fewer of us get out and harvest our own. 

Even great chefs, who learn everything they can about food, rarely have any experience with gathering their ingredients from the wild. 

I’m Jed Conklin, and I’ve been hunting and fishing since I was a kid. 

In this series I’m taking chefs who’ve never used a rod or a gun out on the water and into the woods to teach them what it takes to put meat on the table. 

Then the cooks are going to turn our wild game into meals for us to share and celebrate. 

Join us on the trip — from field to feast.

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Jed is based in Spokane, Wash. When he is not in the field he’s adventuring with his wife and two children.

Contact Jed for more info.